Coffee Description
If coffee could literally jump off the cupping table, this Kercha offering would be leaping tall buildings in a single bound. It's sweet, bursting with notes of Earl Grey, ripe blackberry, and vanilla with a shot of blood orange. Creamy, caramelized, articulate. Prepare to be amazed.

Roast Level from the Roaster
Refers to the roast level in comparison with other coffees from the roaster



2100 masl

Guji zone

About Smallholder producers of Ethiopia
Coffee stories may look very similar, but when people are involved, each lot carries its own tale of cultivation, careful picking, processing, sorting, drying. This special Grade 1 coffee from the Kercha woreda, Guji zone represents the hard work and dreams of 650 producers. Each grower brings his or her ripe cherries from their own little part of the 1400 hectare area to be processed at the Kercha Washing Station.
These growers hit the sweet spot with this lot! Classic flavor from this region can sometimes be a bit thin in the cup, but this one offers terrific body as well as balance. Great with any brewing method, Onyx says, “A fresh blackberry bomb, this Kercha is a straightforward crowd-pleasing espresso. Sweet, delicate, and approachable, we even love this with steamed milk.“
Guji zone, Ethiopia
Onyx Coffee Lab
Lest the myth perpetuate that specialty coffee does not come from Arkansas, Onyx Coffee Lab is blowing that particular urban legend out of the water while creating a few of their own. Husband-wife owners Jon and Andrea Allen have rapidly taken the coffee world by storm with their combination of art and science.
The magic starts with sourcing, with countless small sample batches from coffee importers and with direct visits to farms around the world. "I know direct trade means a lot of different things to different people, but for us if we don’t put money in the producers hands we won’t call it direct trade," says Jon. Once found, the coffees are carefully roasted in twenty-pound or smaller batches, then shared with the three Onyx cafés and over 150 wholesale customers in thirty states.
Clearly Onyx Coffee Lab knows what they're doing: this northwest Arkansas matrix of coffee know-how routinely cleans house at the U.S. Coffee Championships; Andrea Allen placed first in the 2020 Barista Championship, while Elika Liftee placed first in the 2020 Brewers Cup Championship, and they both went on to the 2021 World Coffee Championships to place in 2nd place for Barista and 3rd place for Brewers Cup. Onyx has been chosen by Architectural Digest as Arkansas' most beautiful coffee shop, garnered multiple Good Food Awards, and been described as the "Best bags of coffee you can buy online" in GQ.