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Carmo De Minas, Brazil

The micro-region of Carmo De Minas near the town of Carmo, is part of the sub-region of Serra da Mantiqueira, Sul de Minas. Here the fertile volcanic soil, high altitudes, and predominant sunlight lend a distinctive terroir to the coffee, making it a top competitor in coffee quality competitions such as the Cup of Excellence awards.

As coffee producers began focusing on quality over quantity--something relatively rare in Brazil--they increased processing infrastructures collectively and individually and began cultivating higher quality coffee varieties which, though yielding less per tree, reward with excellence in flavor and intensity. In addition, growers in this area are opting for the higher labor cost of selective harvesting to gain the extra degree of quality so essential for flavor.

Because of these efforts, specialty coffee from Carmo de Minas is becoming increasingly sought after for its complex flavor profile, caramel sweetness and big, bright acidity, something many Brazilian coffees tend to lack.

The micro-region of Carmo De Minas near the town of Carmo, is part of the sub-region of Serra da Mantiqueira, Sul de Minas. Here the fertile volcanic soil, high altitudes, and predominant sunlight lend a distinctive terroir to the coffee, making it a top competitor in coffee quality competitions such as the Cup of Excellence awards.

As coffee producers began focusing on quality over quantity--something relatively rare in Brazil--they increased processing infrastructures collectively and individually and began cultivating higher quality coffee varieties which, though yielding less per tree, reward with excellence in flavor and intensity. In addition, growers in this area are opting for the higher labor cost of selective harvesting to gain the extra degree of quality so essential for flavor.

Because of these efforts, specialty coffee from Carmo de Minas is becoming increasingly sought after for its complex flavor profile, caramel sweetness and big, bright acidity, something many Brazilian coffees tend to lack.

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