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Nyamagabe, Gikongoro , Rwanda

Nyamagabe District includes much of what used to be Gikongoro Province before it was disbanded in 2006. This richly biodiverse region in the south-central part of Rwanda contains the eastern half of the Nyungwe Forest, one of the last remaining forested areas in Rwanda, and home to many types of primates including chimpanzees,

Like all of Rwanda, this district is springing back from the genocide of the 90s, and coffee farming has been key in that recovery. This movement was spearheaded by Epiphanie Muhirwa. Widowed in the conflict, Epiphanie turned to coffee growing to help her family and her community rebuild. Traceability of individual farms/farmers in this area can be a bit opaque due to the fact that some stations have collection sites outside their area to which farmers can bring harvested cherries from other regions/districts. That said, coffee from the Ginkongoro region stands out on cupping tables and consistently places in Cup of Excellence competitions

Nyamagabe District includes much of what used to be Gikongoro Province before it was disbanded in 2006. This richly biodiverse region in the south-central part of Rwanda contains the eastern half of the Nyungwe Forest, one of the last remaining forested areas in Rwanda, and home to many types of primates including chimpanzees,

Like all of Rwanda, this district is springing back from the genocide of the 90s, and coffee farming has been key in that recovery. This movement was spearheaded by Epiphanie Muhirwa. Widowed in the conflict, Epiphanie turned to coffee growing to help her family and her community rebuild. Traceability of individual farms/farmers in this area can be a bit opaque due to the fact that some stations have collection sites outside their area to which farmers can bring harvested cherries from other regions/districts. That said, coffee from the Ginkongoro region stands out on cupping tables and consistently places in Cup of Excellence competitions

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