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Coffee Description

This years natural Halo Hartume is a banger and might rival any of our favorite naturals from the past. Notes of honey, creme brûlée, and bubblegum... think big league grape or hubba bubba watermelon.

Medium Roast

Roast Level from the Roaster

Refers to the roast level in comparison with other coffees from the roaster


Cream + Sugar - 1
Acidity - 3
Adventurousness - 3
Body - 1


Ethiopia Heirloom/Landraces




2000 - 2200 masl


Gedeo Zone, Yirgacheffe

About Smallholders in the Gedeo District- Daniel Mijane of Ethiopia

The grower-owned processing station has blossomed to include nearly 400 individual smallholders, each bringing their harvest to the central washing station or drying beds. Under the direction of Mijane Woresa and his son Daniel Mijane, community members are given educational resources and instruction on everything from best growing and harvesting practices to preparing coffee for export. The coffee also benefits from rigorous quality control standards and the community has a very sound logistical strategy for ensuring a quality export.

Gedeo Zone, Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia

Duvall, WA

Anchorhead Coffee

Sporting a moody, maritime vibe and serving up killer coffee and their own baked goods, Anchorhead Coffee is doing coffee right in Washington state (Duvall, to be exact, with café locations in downtown Seattle, Issaquah, and Bellevue). Launched in 2013, Anchorhead sailed right into the big leagues, winning the 2015 “America’s Best Espresso” competition with their Ethiopian coffee, finaling for a Good Food Award with their Guatemalan roast, and collecting numerous awards at annual Golden Bean competitions.

When long-time audio engineers Mike Steiner and Jake Paulson decided to wind down traveling the world, combining their passion for coffee into a cafe and roastery just made sense. With Mike handling the roasting and sourcing aspects and Jake developing the cafe and marketing side, Anchorhead continues to expand their vision of sourcing expressive, lively coffees, then roasting them in a way that brings out the intrinsic character of each. Yup. They love coffee, cafe culture, and serving up a sweet and balanced cup they're proud to put the Anchorhead Coffee name on. (They also love toys like drones, cameras, dirt bikes and motorcycles).

Or try these other coffees from
Anchorhead Coffee

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